My name is Elton Gonçalves Gomes. I'm a Full-stack Developer with eight years of industry experience, working with startups, agencies, and international clients.
I work full-time as a Full-Stack Software engineer at Trive, where I build and manage websites, web applications, Cloud instances, and architectures.
What I love the most about being a developer, is how diverse you can be. The fact that you can turn nothing into something and put it online for the whole world to see thrills me.
If I'm not in full nerd mode, you will find me at the gym or breaking personal records on my Fitbit.
React . React Native . Expo . D3.js . Vue.js . typescript . redux-toolkit . Gsap . Framer Motion . Styled Components . useSWR . react-query . axios
NodeJS . typescript . Php . Laravel . NextJS . . Strapi . Directus . REST-API . GraphQL . Relational databases
Google Cloud . AWS . Netlify . Digital ocean . Self hosted software